Hi! Welcome To Just A Girl Trying

About The Author

Nice to meet you! I’m Chris, the founder and CEO of Just A Girl Trying. But I’m also much more. I am an aspiring entrepreneur, a full-time college student, working a part-time job, and a self-certified save-o-holic. Oh, and I can’t forget that I have been a dog mom to my best friend in the whole world for over 12 years!

Simply put, I’m a young adult just trying to make my dreams come true and learn how to grow up in this fast-paced world around me.

My Journey: How It All Started

“What do you want to do with your life?”

The infamous, dreadful question.

The truth is I never really knew what I wanted to do. There were so many things I was interested in, but nothing that I was passionate about. The only thing I knew was that I was going to college, because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you graduate, right?

So it was settled then. I was going to go to school, get a traditional career, and live a traditional life. Well… not so fast.

That plan did not last long. The realities of life hit me like a ton of bricks!

First, I got my first job at a fast food restaurant, which I quickly learned was nothing like they made it seem in High School Musical. I was miserable there!

Then I started my first year of college. It was fine, but I still wasn’t passionate about any of the majors. I just settled into one because it seemed interesting enough, the career made a livable amount of money, and I had to choose something.

Within a few months, I went from feeling excited about the future to feeling like all there is to life is settling for average.

Spending every day in the same routine, hardly having any time for myself, and knowing it’d be the same exact thing tomorrow. That got very old, very fast.

It was a never-ending cycle: Wake Up. Go to work. Go to school. Take a nap. Repeat.

Is this all there is to life??

No. I decided that I could NOT live the rest of my life that way. I knew I had to find another way.

For the first time, I finally started imagining my dream life. I wanted to do something with meaning and purpose. To be my own boss, travel the world, and not have to answer to anyone.

It was time to change my life. My vision of what I wanted my life to be was finally clear. Now, I just had to figure out how to get there.

Friends and family have always asked for my advice on how I do my nails at home, how I DIY my beauty routine, and where I buy stylish outfits for so cheap.

If they all needed help in those areas, I figured someone else might need some help, too!

So I started thinking, where could I express myself truly, without having to be afraid of embarrassment or be in the spotlight, while still helping others?

That is how Just A Girl Trying was born, and I have been in love with it ever since.

About The Blog

This blog was created as a way to help other young adults learn how to navigate life and live to the fullest.

As a college student, I am always scrapping for money and constantly looking for ways to elevate my style, focus on my health, and wellness.

For years I have been DIY-ing all my health and beauty needs, finding quality items at discount prices, all while managing my grades, job, and dog-mommy duties.

In other words, I have created methods and found inexpensive ways to live a low-maintenance luxury lifestyle. Now I want to share what I know with all of you!

Although this blog was started as a way to help young adults save money, it is also a platform where we can all come to relate and find common ground.

It speaks to the struggles and growing pains we all share, from life after graduation, to social media pressures, mental health, and so much more.

So, this is not only a place to get life hacks and DIY inspiration. This is an honest space where we can come to share ideas, have a community, and find some peace.

Everyone is welcome here. After all, we’re all just trying to make it. 🙂